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Company History

MPR Development Group, Inc. consolidated the experience and heritage of several professional organizations, health and drug development professionals and entrepreneurs.


Prior to launching the CRO business, MPR shareholders have participated for decades in research and development. A list of the companies that MPR’s shareholders managed or owned included more than 20 research and health services entities, such as: the Clinical Neuroscience Center (USA), Diabetes Research Center (USA), Mediconsult Group (Europe), Orthopedics & Acupuncture Center (Europe), Maximum Capacity Cognitive Enhancement Center (Canada), ReSolve Research Solutions (Canada), Dyslexia Clinic (USA), MEDIFEM Clinic (Europe), Spine & Neurology Surgery Centre (Asia), International Medical Consultancy Services (Africa).


Also, part of the heritage and resources are three resourcing companies in USA, India and Romania, two IT and consultancy firms and one financial funds company.

Company Timeline

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